Friday, May 28, 2010

Sex and The City 2

He Said: Don't Bother

Ok so, truth is, I didn’t care to see this movie (nor the first one for that matter) but what my baby wants my baby gets (with exceptions), and she wanted me to go with her to see this sequel. To be honest, the whole time I was thinking to myself: “I’m going to have to write about this”. I have to say that at least they started with the worse part 1st, a gay wedding (I’m not homophobic but this was the text book definition of a gay wedding). After that, its what you can expect from a Sex and The City marathon. I felt like I was watching five episodes back to back. There was little to no sex and they were not in the city. I sat there and smiled a few times but I didn’t get most of the jokes. This is one of those movies that you have to be a fan to enjoy. I had a lot of negative things to say about this movie but most of them were just me hating on the Sex and The City show as a whole and were not fair to the movie so your reading this statement instead. All-in-all if you’re a fan you’ll enjoy it I think (she did) but if your not, you wont (I didn’t). Save your money and just go watch a Sex and The City marathon on tv if you really want to sit through One Hundred and Fifty Minutes of Sex and The City.

She Said: Watch Now

I am a die hard SATC fan without a doubt. So when I found out that this movie was being made I was anxious to see it. Was it worth the wait? Hell yes! In a world where sex, designer fashion and Cosmos are the topic at hand, the women that we all love are back with more. Compared to the first film there wasn’t any real life altering plot and was a little more on the lighter side of things. Michael Patrick King (the Director, and Writer) did a great job in evolving the characters highlighting the different topics that all women face at one point or another in their life. If you have followed the shows you will see how these women have changed over the years have overcome adult challenges. Its nice to see what all of those decisions have lead up to. This movie mostly takes place in the Middle East. I loved the witty comedy that had me rolling on the edge of my seat. There where a few surprise cameos (At least to me it was a surprise) that I quite enjoyed. This movie was a little on the long side at two hours and 27 min. But you know what I did not mind it. I loved watching Sarah, Kim, Kristin and Cynthia come together again to play the four strong women that we love to watch. When this movie comes out on DVD I will have a spot saved on my movie rack right next to my box set and SATC 1. If you are a fan of Sex and the City go see it now!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Robin Hood (2010)

He Said: Rent Later

Ok, so, there’s a few things going on here that need be said. 1st of all, I’m a Russell Crowe fan. However, I was very skeptical of seeing him portray Robin Hood. Not because he cant do it, rather because I haven’t seen him play that type of role (Medieval times, England). I liked Gladiator, American Gangster, State of Play, Body of Lies, Cinderella Man and A Beautiful Mind. All different types of movies which show Russell Crowe is versatile. Yet, Robin Hood? The Prince of Thieves? The English man from Nottingham that said I am there for I can? Ok, sorry, you get the point. Anyway, he did in fact pull it off. 2nd thing I want to say is, I didn’t know this movie was a prequel until I was knee deep into it. For that reason, I may have not enjoyed it the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Now, the 3rd thing wraps all this up. Russell Crowe pulled off the “Prequel” Robin Hood character. What I mean by that is, Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood was The Thief and Russell Crowe’s character was The Man before he became The Thief. Russell Crowe is Robin Longstride (real name) & Kevin Costner is Robin Hood (nickname). Do not go into this movie expecting to see Robin Hood rob from the rich to give to the poor (he does it ONE TIME). Instead, go in to see how Robin Longstride became Robin Hood. it’s a long movie and feels even longer because of the large amounts of dialog but, they wrap it all up in the end with a series of battles and a smooth ending. My verdict is this: It was a cool movie for a “Prequel” but its not the Robin Hood I wanted to see.

She Said: Don't Bother

Russell Crow as Robin Hood smells like an Oscar award winning film right? I love all of his movies and all of his rolls are awesome. Don’t get me wrong. I have seen some of the mainstream Robin Hoods that have come out in the past. Disney’s Robin Hood, Robin Hood - Men in Tights. Robin Hood- Prince of Thieves. I loved each and everyone of them. Don’t expect this to be like anyone of those. What makes this any different? This film takes a different approach to the Robin Hood story. Its more like how Robin Hood came to be. I kind of felt mislead. It was also long. Not Titanic long but still long at two hours and twenty min. There wasn’t enough action for me and to be quite frank I found myself dozing off a few times. There was so much drama and dialog that by the time the action kicked in towards the end I was just not that interested anymore and just wanted the movie to end already. There was a few times when I said to myself, “The movie is about to end, I’m home free” and then guess what there was more. I feel that maybe they should have had an intermission. That might have kept me a little more alert. I say just skip this movie. You are not missing out on much unless you are a die hard Robin Hood fan. Then you might enjoy it more than I did.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Iron Man 2

He Said: Watch Now

Not many sequels can keep up with their predecessors. Iron Man 2 is one that can and does. Robert Downey Jr. did his thing as Iron Man once again, a very believable John Starks. I like Don Cheadle but, I would have rather had Terrence Howard back for War Machine. Graphics was on point, sound effects sounded on Q, music was suited, jokes were accurate, sexiness was everywhere and a touch of drama to finish off your desert; this movie is a treat. I liked everything except for the final boss fight (with the exception of how the boss was defeated). The final boss fight was simply too short in comparison to the rest of the movies fight sequences. Now, that aside (because that’s really my only negative comment on the movie), this movie was enjoyed. This is a action movie through and through. You can wait to watch this if you like, but, you’ll feel left out of the conversation when those who saw it start talking about its “Awesomeness”. I walked out of the movie feeling like I got my movie fix for the night and I cant wait for the next Avenger movie…. Thor? Captain America? Either way, Iron Man 2 filled the slot for the moment. I could get into details about what made it so interesting but seriously, if you liked Iron Man 1, go watch 2 and enjoy some more of what the 1st gave you. If you didn’t see the 1st, why not?

She Said: Watch Now

Okay, I’m going to honest here. I didn’t grow up reading comic books. The only thing I know about Marvel is from what I’ve seen in cartoons and movies, so I don’t know the back stories to most of the characters, however I am learning as I go along. The only thing that I can tell you is that in watching them I have with out a doubt been entertained. Iron Man 2 is no exception. Like in the first movie it had its comedic moments, but what blew me away was the graphics and action sequences. I was unable to see it in the full Imax experience, but had I, I feel it would have amplified the level of kick assness (if that’s a word) a couple of notches. The first movie gave hints of what was to come in part two. I see that now after I saw this movie. Again, like I said before, I don’t know all the characters and their back stories but its nice to see how they all coincide with each other. I do hope that the Iron Man series ends here. I feel that they did their job in presenting the characters and telling their stories. Another installment would feel too repetitive in my opinion. This is defiantly one of those movies that you have have have to see in theaters and if you can in Imax experience.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

He Said: Rent Later

Nightmare On Elm Street is a Horror film isn’t it? I mean, it was, wasn’t it? Not anymore, its now a thriller. There’s Bad Guys and there’s Scary Guys. Darth Vader is a bad guy, Agent Smith is a Bad Guy & Tony Montana was a bad Guy. Jeepers Creepers is a Scary Guy, Leather Face is a Scary Guy & Michael Myers is a Scary Guy. Maybe if Rob Zombie had directed this, Freddy would have been a Scary Guy. Sadly though, I felt he was nothing more then a Bad Guy. Maybe I am biased because I am a fan of the Original’s (I’m adding this to be courteous, I’m a fan of the original Halloweens too but I liked Rob Zombies remake) but honestly, I think Robert England‘s (Original Freddy) voice is hard to beat. Jackie Earle Haley’s (New Freddy) voice is perfect for a Bad Guy but, I wasn’t afraid when I heard it. Wes Craven is the man no doubt and Nightmare On Elm Street is a classic. Maybe it should have stayed as such? I know I sound like I’m being harsh on it but seriously, they took Freddy’s 1-5 and put them all into a 1 ½ hour movie. I simply wasn’t satisfied. Much like the New Halloween I was skeptical about watching this remake but very hopeful and open minded. Rob Zombie impressed me with his take on the filmm, he accomplished what he set out to do, I enjoyed it. Samuel Bayer let me down sadly; I walked out saying…. “Okay?” When I got home I had to watch another movie to get my movie fix for the day.

She Said: Rent Later

Growing up, Freddy Kruger was my boogieman. I went in with a mind set of the child that I once was, expecting to have the bajeezes scared out of me. Then I remembered all of the other Freddy movies before this one. This film was directed by Samuel Bayer and not Wes Craven so I was expecting it to be different. It was darker than its predecessors, but there was not as much gore and blood as what is expected now a days to get a good scare. I felt that this picture was like all six Freddy movies rolled up into one, focusing more on the story behind Freddy. His jokes were corny (not original or interesting) at times and just made you say to yourself, “What did he just say?” Freddy got revamped but it was for the worse. I don’t think anyone could play as good a Freddy Kruger as Robert Englund . So if you asked me; I would just wait for it to come out on DVD and Rent it. Save your money.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Welcome & Rating System

      Hey! Hi! Hello! Welcome! We are Eddie & Aphrodite (yes, real). We are a couple that enjoys watching all sorts of movies and would like to pass on to you what we think in regards to them. On our first date we went to see a late night movie (Pay Back, on release date). We wouldn’t suggest going to the movies as a first date, it doesn’t leave room for getting to know each other during 1 ½ - 3 hours of movie watching. Although we both liked that movie, we have different points of views on films which fuels our passion for discussing them. Movies for us is a way to cut lose and unwind after a days work and a glass of wine, sometimes. We decided to start this blog as a way to spend some of our quality time with each other, writing down what we think about the movies we have watched and to share those opinions with you. 

We have agreed to break down movie Ratings into two categories with three scales in each. The two categories are “In Theatres” & “At Home”. In Theatres refers to movies not on DVD/Blue-Ray or rentable, while At Home refers to movies you can rent, buy, download or view at your home.

--In Theatres

Watch Now
It was a “Great” movie. We liked the movie and believe you should go catch the next showing you can make time for.

Rent Later:
It was a “Good” movie but we feel you do not need to rush to see it. See it if you can or wait for the DVD/Blue-Ray release.

Don’t Bother:
It was a “Bad Okay?” movie. We felt it was a waste of our money and wanted our time back.

--At Home--

We could watch this movie again. Add it to your collection.

Worth watching at least once at a minimal price.

Watch something else.

We are very excited to be doing this and cant wait to post the next movie. We wanted to give you a idea of the movies we like so we picked 10 categories and selected 2 movies from each. This was very tough for us, we liked so many more and had to rattle our brains for the categories we don’t care for. Thanks for visiting our blog! We hope you enjoy reading what we have to say as much as we enjoy saying it. Cya!

Name 2 Good Movies! - He Said:
Animated - Final Fantasy VII, Spawn.
Action - Scarface, Snatch.
Drama - Shawshank Redemption, Pursuit of Happiness.
Horror - Hellraiser, Saw.
Comedy - Old School, Grandmas Boy.
Romance - Made in Heaven, Casablanca.
Thriller - Paranormal Activity, 1408.
Documentary - What The Bleep Do We Know, Capitalism.
Sci-Fi - Aliens, Predator.
Musicals - Westside Story, Grease.
Name 2 Good Movies! - She Said:
Animated - Spirit, Wall E.
Action - Apocalypto, 300.
Drama - Sex in the City, Lady in The Water.
Horror - Saw, Hostile.
Comedy - SuperBad, Stranger than Fiction.
Romance - Twilight, Memoirs of a Geisha.
Thriller - Paranormal Activity, 1408.
Documentary - What The Bleep Do We Know, Expelled.
Sci-Fi - Men in Black, Terminator.
Musical - Hair Spray, Les Miserable.