Saturday, May 8, 2010

Iron Man 2

He Said: Watch Now

Not many sequels can keep up with their predecessors. Iron Man 2 is one that can and does. Robert Downey Jr. did his thing as Iron Man once again, a very believable John Starks. I like Don Cheadle but, I would have rather had Terrence Howard back for War Machine. Graphics was on point, sound effects sounded on Q, music was suited, jokes were accurate, sexiness was everywhere and a touch of drama to finish off your desert; this movie is a treat. I liked everything except for the final boss fight (with the exception of how the boss was defeated). The final boss fight was simply too short in comparison to the rest of the movies fight sequences. Now, that aside (because that’s really my only negative comment on the movie), this movie was enjoyed. This is a action movie through and through. You can wait to watch this if you like, but, you’ll feel left out of the conversation when those who saw it start talking about its “Awesomeness”. I walked out of the movie feeling like I got my movie fix for the night and I cant wait for the next Avenger movie…. Thor? Captain America? Either way, Iron Man 2 filled the slot for the moment. I could get into details about what made it so interesting but seriously, if you liked Iron Man 1, go watch 2 and enjoy some more of what the 1st gave you. If you didn’t see the 1st, why not?

She Said: Watch Now

Okay, I’m going to honest here. I didn’t grow up reading comic books. The only thing I know about Marvel is from what I’ve seen in cartoons and movies, so I don’t know the back stories to most of the characters, however I am learning as I go along. The only thing that I can tell you is that in watching them I have with out a doubt been entertained. Iron Man 2 is no exception. Like in the first movie it had its comedic moments, but what blew me away was the graphics and action sequences. I was unable to see it in the full Imax experience, but had I, I feel it would have amplified the level of kick assness (if that’s a word) a couple of notches. The first movie gave hints of what was to come in part two. I see that now after I saw this movie. Again, like I said before, I don’t know all the characters and their back stories but its nice to see how they all coincide with each other. I do hope that the Iron Man series ends here. I feel that they did their job in presenting the characters and telling their stories. Another installment would feel too repetitive in my opinion. This is defiantly one of those movies that you have have have to see in theaters and if you can in Imax experience.

1 comment:

  1. Great review very helpful info because of this review Iron Man 2 will have 2 more ticket sales.Keep up the great work you two.
