Sunday, May 23, 2010

Robin Hood (2010)

He Said: Rent Later

Ok, so, there’s a few things going on here that need be said. 1st of all, I’m a Russell Crowe fan. However, I was very skeptical of seeing him portray Robin Hood. Not because he cant do it, rather because I haven’t seen him play that type of role (Medieval times, England). I liked Gladiator, American Gangster, State of Play, Body of Lies, Cinderella Man and A Beautiful Mind. All different types of movies which show Russell Crowe is versatile. Yet, Robin Hood? The Prince of Thieves? The English man from Nottingham that said I am there for I can? Ok, sorry, you get the point. Anyway, he did in fact pull it off. 2nd thing I want to say is, I didn’t know this movie was a prequel until I was knee deep into it. For that reason, I may have not enjoyed it the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Now, the 3rd thing wraps all this up. Russell Crowe pulled off the “Prequel” Robin Hood character. What I mean by that is, Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood was The Thief and Russell Crowe’s character was The Man before he became The Thief. Russell Crowe is Robin Longstride (real name) & Kevin Costner is Robin Hood (nickname). Do not go into this movie expecting to see Robin Hood rob from the rich to give to the poor (he does it ONE TIME). Instead, go in to see how Robin Longstride became Robin Hood. it’s a long movie and feels even longer because of the large amounts of dialog but, they wrap it all up in the end with a series of battles and a smooth ending. My verdict is this: It was a cool movie for a “Prequel” but its not the Robin Hood I wanted to see.

She Said: Don't Bother

Russell Crow as Robin Hood smells like an Oscar award winning film right? I love all of his movies and all of his rolls are awesome. Don’t get me wrong. I have seen some of the mainstream Robin Hoods that have come out in the past. Disney’s Robin Hood, Robin Hood - Men in Tights. Robin Hood- Prince of Thieves. I loved each and everyone of them. Don’t expect this to be like anyone of those. What makes this any different? This film takes a different approach to the Robin Hood story. Its more like how Robin Hood came to be. I kind of felt mislead. It was also long. Not Titanic long but still long at two hours and twenty min. There wasn’t enough action for me and to be quite frank I found myself dozing off a few times. There was so much drama and dialog that by the time the action kicked in towards the end I was just not that interested anymore and just wanted the movie to end already. There was a few times when I said to myself, “The movie is about to end, I’m home free” and then guess what there was more. I feel that maybe they should have had an intermission. That might have kept me a little more alert. I say just skip this movie. You are not missing out on much unless you are a die hard Robin Hood fan. Then you might enjoy it more than I did.

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